Dr. Akhtar Rasool

Title: Evolution of Energy: From Stone Age to the modern technologies and future paradigms


The evolution of energy harvesting and utilization has seen significant advancements from the Stone Age to modern times. Here’s an overview of this progression, including current technologies and potential future paradigms. The energy harvesting has gone through tremendous changes starting from the discovery of fire to the rise of renewable energy sources. This remarkable transformation has a deep impact on the ways we power our lives today. This also has unravelled new challenges and opportunities as we seek to transition to cleaner and more sustainable forms of energy. The future of energy harvesting is likely to involve a combination of sustainable, decentralized, and innovative technologies, with an emphasis on reducing environmental impact and ensuring a long-term energy security. As technology continues to evolve, interdisciplinary approaches will play a crucial role in shaping the next era of energy harvesting and utilization, which can be realized through the example of a one-world, one-energy network and one-world, one-locomotive network.


Dr. Akhtar Rasool is serving as a Senior Lecturer at University of Botswana, where he is also leading Quality Assurance Committee, Research & Publication Committee and ECSA Accreditation Committee at the department and representing at the faculty. Earlier he has worked as an HOD, Director Quality Enhancement, Member-Board of Studies, Assistant Professor, Lecturer, Lab Engineer, and TA at various universities from 2007 to 2022.The notable institutions are GC University-Faisalabad, Hajvery University-Lahore, UET-Taxila, SCET-Lahore and Sabanci University.Beside the academic roles, he has also served a vast range of industries through services and consultancy firms. The firms are PRESCON Engineering (Pvt) Ltd., Orient Energy Systems (Pvt) Ltd., and AGITROL Solution (Pvt) Ltd. He is also involved in quality enhancement related OBE & OBA trainings, in-line with the Washington Accord.He received his PhD in 2017 from Sabanci University, Turkey, M.Sc. in 2009 and BSc in 2007 from Dalarna University, Sweden and UET-Lahore, Pakistan respectively, besides a number of training sessions from Megger, Doble, DV Power, etc.His research interests include control & converter applications and high voltage assets life assessments. He is also serving as an Associate Editor, Editorial Advisory Board member in addition to reviewing journals from IEEE, IET, Elsevier, Emeralds, Hindawi, Wiley and MDPI publishers.