
Congratulations on the Successful Publication of the Conference Proceedings for the 2024 7th International Conference on Energy Conservation and Efficiency (ICECE) on IEEE Xplore!

We are thrilled to announce that the proceedings of the 2024 7th International Conference on Energy Conservation and Efficiency (ICECE), held on 6-7 March 2024, have been successfully published on IEEE Xplore. This publication underscores our commitment to advancing the research and development in the field of energy conservation and efficiency.

The DOI for this publication is 10.1109/ICECE61222.2024. We extend our gratitude to all contributors, reviewers, and attendees who made this event a hub of innovative ideas and groundbreaking research. Your invaluable contributions continue to drive progress in our field.

Explore the proceedings and delve into the research that is setting new benchmarks at IEEE Xplore.


Thank you to everyone involved for your dedication and hard work. Let’s continue to innovate and lead the way towards a sustainable future!

Prof. Dr. Waqar Mahmood

General Chair ICECE 2024